Welcome New Members!

Thanks for joining Mather Golf Club. Here are a few tips.

  • Download the Member Planet app to your smart phone. It makes entering tournaments easier and it will save your payment information so you can enter a tournament without fishing for your wallet every time.
  • If you favor using a computer then you can use the Golf Events link at the top of the web site to see the events that are open for entry.
  • Check out the newsletter for the latest club information and news.
  • Please don't hesitate to contact the members of the board if you have any questions. The golf course and the club are separate so if you have any issues with the club please contact the members of the board, not the golf course staff.

Club Championship

Congratulations to our Club Championship winners. Our 2 day Club championship is always a fun event.


Club Champion - Chris Bailey 147 (gross)
President’s Flight Champion - Matt Desouza 142
Director’s Flight Champion - Richard Bertacini 146
Sportsmen’s Flight Champion - Jon Linfor 156

Match Play

2024 Match Play is under way.


Congratulations to Chris Deleon for winning our 2023 Match play event. Runner up is Ray Reithmeier. Well done gentlemen.


 2023 Match Play 

2022 Match Play

2021 Match Play

2024 Events

Handicap Info

Mather Tournament Index (MTI)
This is similar to your handicap index through the NCGA except it only tracks your tournament rounds played with the Mather Golf Club. This allows us to compare your NCGA index to your MTI index and use the lower of the two during club tournaments.

Here is the current MTI report.

Board Meeting Minutes

Here are the minutes from the Mather Golf Club board meetings.





